Dyadic Certification Procedure
Complete Level One Theraplay & MIM training.
Apply to Practicum.
Submit application fee, copy of practicum attestation, license, resume or vita, proof of professional liability insurance and permission from supervisor. Case materials (MIM and first family session) are sent to your supervisor – we will assign one if you have not made prior arrangements.
Complete Foundational Practitioner requirements.
Total of 8 supervised and 32 unsupervised sessions* (sessions can be in person or telehealth). Certification requires recommendation of supervisor.
Complete Intermediate Practitioner requirements.
8 supervised and 32 unsupervised sessions* (up to 3 telehealth sessions can be applied at this level). 8th session submitted is considered your Intermediate review and is sent to TTI. Certification requires recommendation of supervisor.
Complete Level Two Theraplay & MIM training.
Can be done at any time during the first half of the practicum
The training is also open to any Level One graduate. Practicum membership not required.
Full Certification.
8 Supervised and 32 unsupervised sessions* (telehealth sessions cannot be applied at this level). Last session submitted is considered your final review and is sent to TTI. Certification requires recommendation of supervisor.
Maintaining Your Certification.
Foundational, Intermediate, and Certified Theraplay Practitioners are required to maintain active membership with the Theraplay Association. Learn more and renew here.
Certified Theraplay Practitioners must complete a CE requirement for active certification every three years.
Web Supervision
If you have completed Level One Theraplay & MIM or Module 3: Marschak Interaction Method: Administration, Scoring, and Feedback for Theraplay Practice, we encourage you to participate in a live supervision group from the comfort and confidentiality of your own home or office. You will be able to view the supervisor and supervisee as well as the video treatment session of the supervisee. You will also be able to ask and respond to questions in real time.